Warm Apple Cider with Infused Honey Recipe

This apple cider with infused honey has a special blend of herbs and spices to help you warm up to the holiday season. There are many ways to enjoy this recipe like with tincture or canna sugar, but we’re going with canna honey for this one.

What Do Apple Cinnamon and Honey Do For The Body?

The Apples

It’s the apple’s natural cooling nature that suppresses the appetite. Here are some other benefits:

  • apple’s natural cooling qualities suppress the appetite
  • red apples are sweeter and more Pitta friendly
  • sour green apples are more cleansing for Kapha
  • cooked apples are best for Vata
  • the pectin in apples provides a soluble fiber that helps to regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels

The Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that has been prized for its medicinal properties in many cultures over thousands of years. Here are some of the benefits:

  • decongestant/expectorant
  • stimulates energy
  • loaded with antioxidants
  • helps lower blood sugar levels
  • known as an aphrodisiac
  • can be balancing Vata and Kapha, but aggravating for Pitta dosha

The Honey

According to Ayurveda, honey is best consumed raw, unprocessed, and unheated.

Not only does honey serve as an excellent sweetener, but it also lightens heavier foods and herbs and stimulates our digestive fire. Here are some other benefits:

  • usually tolerated more so than other sweeteners
  • honey taken with warm water enhances bile production, supporting regular elimination
  • used as a carrier for heart-friendly herbs supporting absorption
  • promotes the health of the skin
  • soothes the respiratory tract
  • contains all 22 amino acids, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes, 14 fatty acids, and 11 carbohydrates
  • calming internally for Kapha and Vata
  • honey is drying, so Vata dosha should consume in moderation and choose liquid forms
  • should be avoided if Pitta is already imbalanced
    (smaller amounts are ok for Pitta when it is in balance)
  • When used topically, honey is good for all doshas

How To Make Warm Apple Cider with Infused

Before You Begin

Before you begin: If you are infusing your recipe, you’ll need to decide if you want to use hemp flower for more CBD effects or cannabis flower for more THC effects during decarboxylation.

No worries, as in all infused recipes, you can use either of them or a bit of both if it suits you!


For honey, it is recommended to use a teaspoon at a time, up to a tablespoon a day, for Kapha and Vata, and much less for pitta.
  • 1 raw organic apple
  • 1 raw organic orange
    fruit should be cut into thin slices and set aside
  • 1/2 cup raw organic hemp or cannabis-infused honey
    (it’s really all about your choice)
  • 64oz organic apple cider
  • cinnamon sticks
  • 4-8 star anise pods
  • 10 cloves
  • 1 teaspoon allspice 
  • 2 (1-inch) slices of ginger (optional)
  • brown sugar to taste (optional) if you have a sweet tooth

*These measurements are only a suggested guide. Please customize any recipe to use more or less to suit your personal medicinal needs.

How To Prepare:

  1. Pour the apple cider into a crock pot over a warm setting.
  2. Add 1/2 of the apple slices, 1/2 of the orange slices, the clove, the star anise, the allspice, and both slices of ginger.
  3. Stir and set over the lowest heat for about 2 hours.
  4. Add the 1/2 cup of infused honey either directly into the crock pot and stir or place individually into each mug (1-2tbsp per mug).
  5. Carefully scoop the hot cider into one (or several) 12-ounce mugs and stir.
  6. Use leftover cinnamon sticks, thinly sliced apples, and oranges for garnish in the warm drink.
  7. Enjoy alone or with like-minded friends!

For Those Following Ayurveda: This warm beverage can be pacifying for Vata and Kapha types and may especially soothing for an anxious Vata due to the CBD content if you are using hemp-infused honey. However, the cinnamon and ginger heat can be a bit aggravating for pitta.

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